March 25, 2009

Comrades Training: Do your Long Run on 5 April

A message from Magnolia Road Runners:

Magnolia will be holding our seventh long run on 5th April, and would like to invite your club to join us on the day.

We approached Norrie Williamson and Jacques Rossouw (top long distance coaches) for advice and both advised, for our long run to be effective this year with an earlier Comrades, our long run should be held the weekend before the 2 Oceans which is 7 weeks before Comrades and again both felt we should reduce the distance from 60km to 45km.

To assist with catering arrangements, it will be appreciated if you could please indicate how many of your members will be attending. Last year 330 attended our long run.

Contact Colin for any additional information: work home

Yours in running,

Colin Billau
Chairman Magnolia Road Runners

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