On Tuesday 13 April, at 19:00, Wingate Road Runners will be hosting a supplementation presentation by Chris de Beer, founder of Bioanabolics.
Bioanabolics is a range of natural performance enhancing products for endurance athletes and sports people.
Don't miss this if you want to find out how one of our members has taken 60 minutes off his previous years' marathon time!
To book you seat for this event, please email me by Monday 12 April.
There is no charge for this event, but seats are limited, so book now.
March 28, 2010
March 25, 2010
The Wingate Shoe Trade In Program
We have some extremely talented runners in our club. But they have some challenges. I'm not talking about physical challenges.. like my lack of speed :-)
I'm talking about financial challenges. These guys run in shoes that are so worn out that they are barely fit to be called socks. And despite this, they run at a pace us mere mortals only dream about. So, after some consideration by the committee, we decided to ask YOU, to help us, to help them.
We're not asking for donations or cash. We're not asking for a sponsorship. Our request is simple and it's something that you are going to do anyway.
Let's say you've been eyeing out that new model Asics, Nikes, or whichever brand you fancy. You plan on buying them next month, right?
All we're asking you to do, is buy them a couple of 100 km's sooner than you would have, and bring your 'old' shoes to the club, which we will then donate to whichever athlete needs them.
Obviously sizes vary and shoe types vary - you may run in anti-pronation shoes, while I run in neutral shoes. The more 2nd hand shoes we have to choose from the better for our friends who desperately need them.
The added bonus is this: Your shoes may just run a silver Comrades or a sub 3-hour marathon on these guys feet... I can guarantee you, mine would never had done that on my feet!
I'll get the ball rolling: 1 pair of Nike Air Pegasus size 10 on their way to the club next week. Who's next?
I'm talking about financial challenges. These guys run in shoes that are so worn out that they are barely fit to be called socks. And despite this, they run at a pace us mere mortals only dream about. So, after some consideration by the committee, we decided to ask YOU, to help us, to help them.
We're not asking for donations or cash. We're not asking for a sponsorship. Our request is simple and it's something that you are going to do anyway.
Let's say you've been eyeing out that new model Asics, Nikes, or whichever brand you fancy. You plan on buying them next month, right?
All we're asking you to do, is buy them a couple of 100 km's sooner than you would have, and bring your 'old' shoes to the club, which we will then donate to whichever athlete needs them.
Obviously sizes vary and shoe types vary - you may run in anti-pronation shoes, while I run in neutral shoes. The more 2nd hand shoes we have to choose from the better for our friends who desperately need them.
The added bonus is this: Your shoes may just run a silver Comrades or a sub 3-hour marathon on these guys feet... I can guarantee you, mine would never had done that on my feet!
I'll get the ball rolling: 1 pair of Nike Air Pegasus size 10 on their way to the club next week. Who's next?
March 24, 2010
March 23, 2010
Plane kills Runner

Running with an iPod? Read the article below and then think again about your safety.
I reckon the safest way to run while listening to your iPod, would be to have only earphone in, leaving your other ear 'open' to hear possible dangers like vicious dogs, cars, motorbikes etc... not only crash landing planes!
17 March 2010
A single-engine plane making an emergency landing struck and killed a runner wearing headphones yesterday.
Robert Gary Jones from Georgia in the USA was jogging along the beach whilst on a business trip in South Carolina, listening to his iPod, when he was hit by a single-engine plane making an emergency landing.
Granted, the plane had lost it's propellor and was "gliding" to landing, but this tragic story shows the perils of listening to an iPod when running. Jones would have most certainly heard something had he not been listening to music when the incident occurred.
March 18, 2010
Comrades Marathon Qualifying Times
If you have not yet confirmed your qualifying time with CMA, then this is for you.
To save time and admin for everyone, I will be sending a list of qualification times and races for all our members who still need to notify the CMA in order to get seeded for this years' race.
Please send the following information to me by no later than 19 April:
Your Comrades Race Number;
Your Qualifying Marathon;
Your Qualifying Time.
Email your info to me as soon as you have qualified!
March 15, 2010
Avoid the Flu this year
Runners are naturally healthy types, the types that try to avoid getting sick... especially in the lead up to a big race.
Some of us are even quite extreme: I've seen some guys opening doors with their feet just to avoid getting germs on their hands!
What if you've trained for months for your goal race, and then down you go with the 'flu? We all know what the result is: no training for a couple of weeks, or worse, if the timing is really bad... no race!
Hopefully, we can help to avoid that stress this year.
Our resident GP, Gert Swart, has arranged for Flu injections this year, and is willing to administer them at the club this week Tuesday to all those that are interested, at a cost of R60.00 each.
To pre-book yours, click here.
March 7, 2010
Magnolia Long Run
If you are running Comrades 2010 and are looking to get a last long run under the belt, this may be the ideal opportunity for you.
Sunday 11th April 2010
Magnolia will be holding our eight 60 km long run on 11th April run through the shaded and quiet streets of Brooklyn and Groenkloof. To cater for all types of runners, either fast or slow and to provide the flexibility of allowing the runner to determine their own distance, there is a 15 km loop that does not go further than 3 km from the club at any time. Last year we were privileged to have 330 runners from all over Pretoria / JHB and hope to equal or better this number and had over 40 clubs represented.
Our Long Run offers you the following:
- Determine your own distance from 15 to 60. The nature of the course will also allow for incomplete laps.
- Ideally placed 7 weeks before Comrades
- 5 fixed water points on route stocked with coke, Powerade, water, eats and many surprises.
- You should not find yourself running alone as you would if we had an out and back route.
- There will also be a sweep vehicle to identify the last runner or to provide aid to anybody wanting a lift back to the club.
- Drop off warm or wet clothing at the clubhouse after the first lap.
- Collect your own special drink from your car as the run progresses.
- Run on quiet shaded streets with very little traffic.
- No big hills.
- Mental preparation, the last lap becomes mind over matter.
- Shower facilities will be available afterwards.
- Secure parking.
Cost (non-sponsored event):
· 4 laps, 60 km – R 70
· 3 laps, 45 km – R 50.
· 2 laps, 30 km – R 30
· 1 lap, 15 km – R 20 (Walkers welcome)
Start 6h00 from the Magnolia Clubhouse, just off Middle Street, the white building next to Mimmos / Crawdaddies / Shell Petrol garage. 2 Blocks from the Brooklyn Circle / Shopping Centre.
ALL RUNNERS, SLOW or FAST, NON MAGNOLIA MEMBERS and ALL OTHER CLUBS are welcome. To ensure that we have adequate coke available on the day, any club joining us ‘en mass’, it would be appreciated if the club captain can contact me with the expected numbers. We would like to surpass the 330 runners we had in 2009 and the more runners we have the more enjoyable the long distance will become. Join us on 11th April and be part of this memorable run.
Same rule as last year, all runners must start the last lap by no later than 12h00 (45 km). If you can’t make this cut-off, you are going to find it very difficult to finish Comrades within the time limit.
Walkers and non-Comrades marathon runners, are welcome to participate in joining us for the first and second laps.
Basic route: Go east down Main to Sydney Street and west down Milner into Groenkloof, passed Harlequins, Magnolia Dell and east in the lovely Marais street, back down Brooks and back to the club through Brooklyn. Maps will be provided on request.
For additional info please contact:
Colin Billau
012-842 2566 (W)
012-361 2965 (H)
082 578 3935
cbillau@ford.com / billauc@absamail.co.za
Tinus Marais
012 - 675 7068 (W)
083 304 7054
Freddie Du Plessis
083 347 5040
March 2, 2010
Race Results: Bronkhorstspruit 32km
Club Results
Wingate results for the Bronkhorstspruit (AGN) 32Km race - 2010-02-13
38 club finishers
Position Initials Surname Sex Age Club Finish Time
25 G Makhonjwa M Wingate 02:12:26
29 S Ngoepe M Wingate 02:14:13
33 J Botha M 36 Wingate 02:16:14
47 S Setwapa M 32 Wingate 02:21:28
90 V Sharp M 41 Wingate 02:34:44
100 Peter M 55 Wingate 02:36:02
134 P Pelser M 50 Wingate 02:40:14
135 H Roux F 41 Wingate 02:40:15
137 R Mcguirk M 39 Wingate 02:40:22
161 V Hohls M 35 Wingate 02:43:47
205 W Watson M 39 Wingate 02:47:41
266 H Du Toit M 57 Wingate 02:52:59
298 E Smit M 40 Wingate 02:55:05
303 W Smit M 47 Wingate 02:55:19
307 E Meyer M 51 Wingate 02:55:39
324 E Economon M 48 Wingate 02:56:38
353 M Greeff F 39 Wingate 02:58:06
366 C Muller M 50 Wingate 02:58:29
388 M Smit F 26 Wingate 02:59:52
393 A Marshall F Wingate 03:00:03
394 M Van Zyl F 43 Wingate 03:00:13
413 H Mokoka M 41 Wingate 03:01:41
423 C Kriel M 60 Wingate 03:02:31
426 Z Twani M 34 Wingate 03:02:40
489 L Spamers M 39 Wingate 03:05:53
539 D Klopper M 51 Wingate 03:07:29
648 B Buys M 48 Wingate 03:12:25
649 S Van Schalkwyk M 34 Wingate 03:12:26
819 B Koch M 46 Wingate 03:21:19
847 L Kaempffer M 48 Wingate 03:22:50
1055 J Erwee M 44 Wingate 03:33:03
1099 T Jonker M 29 Wingate 03:35:01
1129 R Barnard F 49 Wingate 03:36:46
1198 G Neuhoff F 38 Wingate 03:41:07
1384 P Marais M 30 Wingate 03:51:01
1465 L Du Buisson M 50 Wingate 03:57:09
1534 N Shut F 46 Wingate 04:04:04
1694 A Economon F 62 Wingate 04:29:55
Wingate results for the Bronkhorstspruit (AGN) 32Km race - 2010-02-13
38 club finishers
Position Initials Surname Sex Age Club Finish Time
25 G Makhonjwa M Wingate 02:12:26
29 S Ngoepe M Wingate 02:14:13
33 J Botha M 36 Wingate 02:16:14
47 S Setwapa M 32 Wingate 02:21:28
90 V Sharp M 41 Wingate 02:34:44
100 Peter M 55 Wingate 02:36:02
134 P Pelser M 50 Wingate 02:40:14
135 H Roux F 41 Wingate 02:40:15
137 R Mcguirk M 39 Wingate 02:40:22
161 V Hohls M 35 Wingate 02:43:47
205 W Watson M 39 Wingate 02:47:41
266 H Du Toit M 57 Wingate 02:52:59
298 E Smit M 40 Wingate 02:55:05
303 W Smit M 47 Wingate 02:55:19
307 E Meyer M 51 Wingate 02:55:39
324 E Economon M 48 Wingate 02:56:38
353 M Greeff F 39 Wingate 02:58:06
366 C Muller M 50 Wingate 02:58:29
388 M Smit F 26 Wingate 02:59:52
393 A Marshall F Wingate 03:00:03
394 M Van Zyl F 43 Wingate 03:00:13
413 H Mokoka M 41 Wingate 03:01:41
423 C Kriel M 60 Wingate 03:02:31
426 Z Twani M 34 Wingate 03:02:40
489 L Spamers M 39 Wingate 03:05:53
539 D Klopper M 51 Wingate 03:07:29
648 B Buys M 48 Wingate 03:12:25
649 S Van Schalkwyk M 34 Wingate 03:12:26
819 B Koch M 46 Wingate 03:21:19
847 L Kaempffer M 48 Wingate 03:22:50
1055 J Erwee M 44 Wingate 03:33:03
1099 T Jonker M 29 Wingate 03:35:01
1129 R Barnard F 49 Wingate 03:36:46
1198 G Neuhoff F 38 Wingate 03:41:07
1384 P Marais M 30 Wingate 03:51:01
1465 L Du Buisson M 50 Wingate 03:57:09
1534 N Shut F 46 Wingate 04:04:04
1694 A Economon F 62 Wingate 04:29:55
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