We have some extremely talented runners in our club. But they have some challenges. I'm not talking about physical challenges.. like my lack of speed :-)
I'm talking about financial challenges. These guys run in shoes that are so worn out that they are barely fit to be called socks. And despite this, they run at a pace us mere mortals only dream about. So, after some consideration by the committee, we decided to ask YOU, to help us, to help them.
We're not asking for donations or cash. We're not asking for a sponsorship. Our request is simple and it's something that you are going to do anyway.
Let's say you've been eyeing out that new model Asics, Nikes, or whichever brand you fancy. You plan on buying them next month, right?
All we're asking you to do, is buy them a couple of 100 km's sooner than you would have, and bring your 'old' shoes to the club, which we will then donate to whichever athlete needs them.
Obviously sizes vary and shoe types vary - you may run in anti-pronation shoes, while I run in neutral shoes. The more 2nd hand shoes we have to choose from the better for our friends who desperately need them.
The added bonus is this: Your shoes may just run a silver Comrades or a sub 3-hour marathon on these guys feet... I can guarantee you, mine would never had done that on my feet!
I'll get the ball rolling: 1 pair of Nike Air Pegasus size 10 on their way to the club next week. Who's next?
A great initiative and one I will definitely get behind... I've still got 5 or year old shoes with about 1200 to 2000k's on them that are probably runnable to some degree! My wife will be thrilled with the added cupboard space.
Fantastic! Thanks for the support Phill.
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