May 26, 2010

Some interesting Comrades stats

Some interesting and some silly stats about this year's Comrades marathon.

• The most common surname is Naidoo.
• 71 runners will be celebrating birthdays on race day
• 6,884 runners are running the race for the first time
• International entries have increased from approx 600 to 1162. The organisers reckon this is because of the World Cup.
• The most popular brand of running shoe on race day is Asics
• 34 runners are running their 30th or more Comrades.
• This year an additional 11,000 runners will be taking on the race.
• Due to the increase in numbers, the number of water sachets available along the route have increased from 1,000,000 to 1,900,000.
• In the 2009 run, about 25% of the starters did not make the 12 hour cut-off

May 23, 2010

Comrades checklist

Remember to pack these before leaving for Comrades this year:

  • Your Club running kit
  • Running shoes: preferably a left and a right of the SAME pair.
  • Socks: the most comfortable pair you have.
  • All your energy gels, energy bars, drinks and whatever magic potions you have tried and tested in races
  • The belt that you use to carry all the above mentioned items in
  • Your Comrades confirmation card (or print out of the email which you should have received) 
  • Your Championchip: Remember - No Chip, No Results.
  • Vitamins and medication take daily
  • Sports Lube / Vaseline 
  • Sunblock
  • Imodium tablets (I know, it's not a nice topic, but it's compulsory on my list) - just in case 
  • And the things that none of us ever use on the run: Pain pills and anti inflammatories -- for after the race

    Some things to do before the big day:
      1. Drive the route the day before: It will ensure you start out at a more careful pace and don't get swept along in the early excitement. It's a long road, take it easy early on.
      2. Go to the expo: check out all the goodies, but don't walk around for too long - save your legs for race day.
      3. Don't try anything new! No matter what anyone says: If you haven't tried it before, leave it.
      4. Make sure your supporters know where to stop and you know where to look out for them on the route.
      5. On that note, make sure you make an arrangement where to meet your supporters at the finish too.

      This list is certainly not exhaustive - if I've left anything out that you think should be included, please add it in the comments below.

      Last but not least: Have a brilliant run! Take an extra dose of positivity and happiness in the morning, a couple of deep breaths at the start, close your eyes, see yourself crossing the finish line, smile.

      You'll be fine, what's 89 kms after all the training you've done?

      May 18, 2010

      Cross Country Results

      Well done to our Cross Country athletes who competed in the event held at Filadelphia School in Soshanguve on Saturday 15 May:

      Estelle Gilbert - Women 40 - 4km
      Time: 18:31 (2nd position)

      Clinton Joel - Jnr Men - 6km
      Time: 25:19

      May 14, 2010

      Change to the start of Comrades 2010

      Due to the increased number of entrants this year, the Comrades Marathon Association has announced a route change for 2010.

      After careful consideration due to the increase in numbers running in this year's event, it was decided at a meeting between the PMB Traffic authorities and the Comrades Marathon Route Committee, to effect a change to the exit route from PMB. The slight route change will allow for an easier flow for the runners and result in a quicker exit from the PMB City Centre.

      The new route from the Start will proceed down Chief Albert Luthuli (Commercial Road), turn right into Alexandra Road, and then proceed to the Ritchie Road / Alexandra Road Intersection. The runners will then turn left into Ritchie Road and proceed to Washington Road where it will join the regular Comrades route.

      This route offers a much wider and free flowing run and should alleviate congestion on the road.

      Runners are cautioned to the fact that there are 3 traffic control "speed bumps" in Alexandra Road, but this should not cause any problems as this part of the road is very well lit.

      The CMA Route Committee is in the process of measuring the new exit from PMB, but in all likelihood, will not change the final distance by any substantial manner. It is expected that the final distance will change by +-300 meters from the 2009 route. As soon as the route distance has been confirmed an official statement will be released by the CMA.

      May 7, 2010

      Good Luck to our Comrades athletes

      Best of luck to our members who are tackling the Big C later this month. This is by far our biggest number of entries for Comrades in Wingate history.

      Here is a list of our members seedings.

      Comrades Down Run Video

      Here is a quick video of the down run route, including all the important places and distances along the route.

      May 3, 2010

      Tips for the perfect taper

      Tapering (reducing your mileage in preparation for a race) is a critical component of marathon training that's often overlooked. So we compiled our top tapering tips.

      Training is about progressive adaptation to stress. Tapering enables your musculoskeletal and neurological systems to recover from that stress and be in prime condition for competition.

      Think of your taper as a "plan" and prioritise it as you did your training.

      Don't disobey your taper plan by running longer or harder than you should.

      Devote as much time to recovery as you did to training. You may not be running for three hours every Sunday, but instead of filling that time with work or running errands, use it to prepare for your race - sleep in, stretch twice a day and relax.

      Track your heart-rate. During a taper, your heart-rate should drop slightly from your peak-of-training rate. If it hasn't, it's a sign that you haven't reduced your mileage or intensity enough.

      Cross-train smart. For 16 weeks, you've neglected your hiking boots in favour of your running shoes, and now you want to make up for lost time. Bad idea. Don't engage in anything that could make you sore or potentially cause injury. Save your other hobbies for after the race. The exception: Pool running.

      Some elite athletes don't run for more than 20 minutes at a time during their tapers. The rest of their mileage is done in water. It keeps your legs loose and makes you feel less slothlike without putting stress on your body.

      New Pics Online: Club Run 27 April

      A handful of us braved the cold wet weather last Tuesday to fit in the 30km Club Run that was cancelled the previous Saturday due to rain.

      Running over Klapperkop in the rain, with temperatures well below 10 degrees - I'm not sure if it was brave, or silly.  You decide.

      May 2, 2010

      Spar Women's 10km Invitation

      A message from Athletics Gauteng North .

      TO: CLUBS

      Kindly extend the following invitation to all ASA provinces.

      Athletics Gauteng North would like to invite your top Women 10 km runners to participate in the Pretoria Spar Womens 10Km that will be held on 28 August 2010 at 14:30 at Super Sport Stadium Centurion.

      Athletes will be responsible for their own transport arrangements to Johannesburg or Pretoria.  Other Accommodation and Transport requirements will be provided by the organisers of the event.

      Kindly inform me by 5 May of the names of your Athletes that would like to be invited to participate on the conditions as explained.

