May 23, 2010

Comrades checklist

Remember to pack these before leaving for Comrades this year:

  • Your Club running kit
  • Running shoes: preferably a left and a right of the SAME pair.
  • Socks: the most comfortable pair you have.
  • All your energy gels, energy bars, drinks and whatever magic potions you have tried and tested in races
  • The belt that you use to carry all the above mentioned items in
  • Your Comrades confirmation card (or print out of the email which you should have received) 
  • Your Championchip: Remember - No Chip, No Results.
  • Vitamins and medication take daily
  • Sports Lube / Vaseline 
  • Sunblock
  • Imodium tablets (I know, it's not a nice topic, but it's compulsory on my list) - just in case 
  • And the things that none of us ever use on the run: Pain pills and anti inflammatories -- for after the race

    Some things to do before the big day:
      1. Drive the route the day before: It will ensure you start out at a more careful pace and don't get swept along in the early excitement. It's a long road, take it easy early on.
      2. Go to the expo: check out all the goodies, but don't walk around for too long - save your legs for race day.
      3. Don't try anything new! No matter what anyone says: If you haven't tried it before, leave it.
      4. Make sure your supporters know where to stop and you know where to look out for them on the route.
      5. On that note, make sure you make an arrangement where to meet your supporters at the finish too.

      This list is certainly not exhaustive - if I've left anything out that you think should be included, please add it in the comments below.

      Last but not least: Have a brilliant run! Take an extra dose of positivity and happiness in the morning, a couple of deep breaths at the start, close your eyes, see yourself crossing the finish line, smile.

      You'll be fine, what's 89 kms after all the training you've done?

      1 comment:

      Eric said...

      Comrades is fun run Don't forget to have fun on the day !
      Good luck to all running