July 4, 2010

94.7 Cycle Challenge

Here's a challenge to all you guys and girls with bikes in the garage:

The 94.7 Cycle Challenge takes place this year on 21 November. Yes, I know this is a running club. But this is a challenge to all of you who want to prove how tough you really are.

Let's take on the Cycle Challenge this year, whether you have a mountain bike, road bike or a delivery bike - let's swap our running shoes for wheels and have some fun doing it.

To enter the Cycle Challenge, click here

Come on, I dare you - dust off that bike, pump up the tyres and let's hit the road.

Cycle Racing in South Africa: Cycle Races in South Africa, 94.7 Cycle Challenge, Tour D'afrique, Cape Argus Cycle Race, Pick'n Pay Fast One


Dr. Phill said...

Count me in... Entered and got the duster ready!

Shane said...

There we go, Phill's in... who's next?