September 6, 2010

Watch your Step

Most of us have, at some time in our running careers, had a fall. Some are worse than others, but all are quite embarrassing, and often due to our own clumsiness, and not paying enough attention.

From Running & Jogging

Often someone or something else -- a cyclist, runner, or bad conditions -- is to blame for a wipe-out. Follow these tips to help prevent falls during your runs:

Pay attention. Keep your head up and look ahead -- about 10 to 20 feet in front of you. Try not to look down at your feet, so you can see what's coming. Not only is this important for your safety, it's also proper running form . This is especially important when running on trails , when you can hit obstacles such as rocks, roots, logs and branches.

Be careful on the downhills. Many falls occur on the downhill, so be extra careful when running downhill. Control your speed and keep your head up, so you can avoid obstacles.

Make sure your shoes are tied. This sounds like common sense, but I'm surprised at how many runners I see with dangling shoelaces. Most shoelaces on running shoes are extra long, so be safe and double-knot them.

Watch out for cyclists and other runners. Avoid collisions (and subsequent falls) with other runners or cyclists by always being aware of your surroundings and practicing good communication. If you're approaching another runner or cyclist and need to pass them, communicate with him and let them know on which side you're trying to pass. Before you stop or turn around, look back and make sure your path is clear.

Use extra caution at race starts. I've seen so many falls at the beginning of races. Runners often stumble when they try to pass slower runners, get jostled by the crowds, or trip over a water bottle or piece of clothing that someone discarded at the start. When you line up at a race start, make sure that you're in the right position for your pace and be on the lookout for discarded items.

Same goes for water stops, too. Crowds and wet, slippery pavement make hydration stops another common wipe-out zone. Watch for runners stopping suddenly at the water stops and look for big puddles of water. And, although it's OK to throw your cup on the ground at a water stop, you should try to toss it where other runners can't trip over it.

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